V-STARS Photogrammetry

V-STARS Close Range Photogrammetry System with PRO-SPOT

The DMS employs the V-STARS photogrammetry system by Geodetic Services Inc. This portable 3D system uses photography to pinpoint the position of reflective targets, digitizing probes, and projected point clouds.

V-STARS ensures precise measurements, even in environments with vibrations or movement, without compromising accuracy.

V-STARS/S (Image A) uses a single camera to determine the x, y, z location of reflective targets on an object's surface. It typically achieves accuracy better than 1:120,000, translating to 0.040 mm accuracy on a 5.0 m object.

V-STARS/M (Image B) incorporates two cameras for real-time hand-held digitizing probe positioning. Compatible with standard CMM tips, this system measures similarly to a conventional CMM but without its typical limitations. Its accuracy is typically better than 1:60,000, or 0.080 mm on a 5.0 m object.


PRO-SPOT 3D Point Cloud Measurement System
PRO-SPOT is a non contact 3D point cloud measurement system that is capable of projecting tens of thousands of dots on to the surface of an object for targeting purposes.  The position of the projected dots are captured using the V-Stars photogrammetry system and the data. The 3D point cloud data are used for CAD modelling, reverse engineering, part inspection and surface analysis.

The achievable accuracy for the PRO-SPOT system is typically better than 1:120,000 of the size of the object, or 0.040 mm on a 5.0 m object.

PRO-SPOT 3D Measurement System: PRO-SPOT projects thousands of dots onto objects, captured using V-Stars photogrammetry. The measurements are used for reverse engineering part inspection. It achieves an accuracy of 1:120,000, or 0.040 mm on a 5.0 m object.


Pro-Spot Projector projecting targets onto a boat hull.