Antennas, Radio Telescopes and Mirrors
Antennas, Radio Telescopes & Mirrors
The DMS is a leading provider of measurement and analysis to the antenna, telescope and reflective mirror industries. No job is too big or small - our experience ranges from defining the surface of 30 cm reflectors to aligning and installing the bearing runner on the 70 meter Deep Space Station (DSS-43) in Tidbinbilla, on one of the world’s largest telescopes.
Some of the tasks we can perform include:
- Antenna Installation
- Antenna Assembly
- Panel Alignment
- Feed Alignment
- Sub Reflector Alignment
- Runner Alignments
- Bearing Alignments
- Structural Monitoring
- Antenna and mirror manufacture: tool, fixture and die measurement, inspection and certification
- Shape analysis, including parabolic best fitting
- Deformation analysis of panels and large structures
- Transportation Checks.